Thursday, June 2, 2016

The narrative progression of my (first) playthrough in Fallout 4

In 2077, a man speaks to his bathroom mirror, pondering the history of civilization. "War," he concludes, "war never changes."

210 years later, the man's wife stumbles out of cryogenic preservation into a nightmarish wasteland. She struggles at first, but begins learning how to build weapons, armor, and other tools. Dubiously named the leader of a militia organization, she slaughters hostile mutants, raiders, and other threats, uniting the small, vulnerable settlements in the area for the common defense. She joins three separate organizations that each have their own political goals, effectively becoming a triple agent. Later, as these groups come into conflict, she destroys two of the factions by attaching explosives to their infrastructure and killing everyone who gets in her way. And as she watches the last of these explosions, she remembers the world she lost and the world she found on awakening. "War," she concludes, "war never changes."

Yeah, I'm pretty sure war wasn't like that before...