It takes a peculiar state of mind to see that something happened somewhere else and to say, "That didn't happen here, but some other, different thing did happen here, and when you wrote about the thing that happened somewhere else, you didn't mention the thing that happened here." I don't know whether the statistic mentioned here is true, but the author is disingenuous anyway...
- This appears to be a Canadian newspaper, but the author appeals to a U.S. statistic and then says "U.S. and Canada." No need to bring us up at all. You want to compare Canada to Pakistan, then do it.
- The homicide rate in Pakistan is much higher than in Canada.
- While I think "honor killing" is a stupid term, it does have some meaning. It refers to the killing of a person by that person's family due to cultural factors indicating that the victim dishonored the family. In some places, this is legal. In others the government turns a blind eye toward it. While that's all rather vague, it's far removed from the statistic presented that "three women a day are killed by their male partners" in the U.S.
- It's still the case that most victims of homicide are men. That didn't stop being true.
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