Tuesday, July 9, 2019

"Pro-Science" pandering

I happened across this statement on Facebook...

Most people in the Pro-Science™ crowd aren't interested in science itself, they're just interested in social signalling that they are smart and educated.

That's why they mostly focus on irrelevant lowest-common-denominator crap like flat earth and creationism.
For once, instead of a "Crap from Facebook" post, here's something I actually think has merit. It captures some stuff I've been pondering lately. There are a lot of people online, but also some I know in-person, who wear their "pro-science" on their sleeves. They're proud supporters of science and ostensibly hostile toward superstition and pseudoscience. That's not the same thing as actually having any knowledge of scientific concepts, and that's why they like to play it safe, or stay where they think it's safe.

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