Image has a poll with the title "What's your favorite tech innovation?" The choices are "Illegal cab company", "Illegal hotel chain", "Fake money for criminals", and "Plagiarism machine."
My choice, which isn't listed in this poll, would be "The privilege of living in a world in which some idiot creates this poll in the first place." And I don't even mean that in the classic sense of noting that modern technology has given us an unprecedented quality of life, although that's true too. What I mean is that modern technology has allowed us to build a society in which some smoothbrained jackasses have been able to base their entire personalities around complaining about technology, while using technology to do so. I'd say that it's a sign we're doing pretty well.
I was amused enough to put this one on the blog. I was just going to include my initial thought, which I've captured in the above paragraph. But now that I've already typed that up, it occurs to me that some would get "fall of the Roman Empire" vibes from this. They see vile, useless people using lazy misrepresentations to lash out at the very society that gives them all of the comforts they take for granted and they think, "This is a cancer. This is a sign that things are going bad." Something like that. Well, I disagree. It's a topic that's better suited to some long-form essay, and not one of my wistful "Crap from Facebook" posts. So I probably won't get around to that. But I disagree. Ask me about it some time.
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