Some time ago, my father asked me what if I was wrong, in the context of not believing that there is a god, I guess. I forget what his exact words were. At the time, I immediately made a connection to Pascal's wager, and he later added to his question in a way that essentially turned it into Pascal's wager. However, I do have to admit now that "What if you're wrong?" is not necessarily the same thing as Pascal's wager. I think it's more like Pascal's wager is a specific subcategory of that more general question.
For those who don't know, Pascal's wager goes something like this...
- If the Christian god is real and you believe in him, the reward is infinite.
- If the Christian god is not real and you believe in him, the cost is negligible.
- If the Christian god is real and you don't believe in him, the punishment is infinite.
- If the Christian god is not real and you don't believe in him, the reward is nonexistent.
- Believing in the Christian god is clearly the best bet, so you might as well go with it.
- Believing something isn't usually a conscious decision. I cannot, for example, choose to believe that there is an anteater sitting on my bed right now. I can pretend that there is. I can lie and tell other people that there is. But I can't believe it just because I want to. Even if you held a gun to my head and were going to shoot me if I didn't believe it, the best I could do is pretend.
- Most Christian groups do not contend that merely believing is sufficient for attaining salvation and escaping damnation. Many of them even stipulate that one must follow the exact teachings of their particular sect, and there are lots of sects that profess this. Just going by Pascal's wager, it's most likely that one would arbitrarily guess the wrong sect, as there are so many choices. Perhaps all of the extant sects of Christianity have it wrong.
- Similarly, there are lots of other religions with their own gods and this wager is falsely limiting the possibilities to "our particular god" and "no god at all."
- Wagers require some basis for predicting how likely the intended outcome is, not just how big the reward is. Raising the reward/punishment to infinity doesn't cancel out the need for evidence.
So for a time I went with the assumption that the question was shorthand for "What if you are wrong and I am right about the topic of discussion (in this case, religion)?" I once saw a debate between atheists and apologists in which an audience member asked the atheists, "What if you're wrong?" One of the atheists said, "Then we go to hell." Both sides were rather poor debaters, actually, but until recently, I considered that answer to be succinct, perhaps the perfect answer to the question. It's painfully obvious now how wrong I was.
"What if you're wrong" in that context can't mean something so mundane as "What happens if you are wrong and I am right about religion?" It's obvious that the questioner knows the answer to that and that the questioner knows that both parties know it. So it becomes a rhetorical question, in which case my question becomes, "What is the person asking this trying to get at? What point is he or she trying to raise?"
"What if you're wrong?" isn't a simple inquiry into the consequences of one's error. It's a request to consider the possibility of error. It's a plea for self-evaluation of one's position. I don't know if that sort of thing counts as a question, despite linguistically appearing to be one. But it's a good question if it is one and if not, it's a good whatever-other-thing-it-should-be-considered.
I think I can confidently at least say that to my father and anyone else asking me that the question: "Good question." But what follows? What's my answer? What if I'm wrong? Not just that, but what if I'm wrong and Young-Earth-Creationist Christians are right. Well, here's my answer. Here's what it means...
If I'm wrong, then it's not by a little bit. It's not due to one slight miscalculation. I'm way, way wrong. And there's some reason for it. Something I don't see. If I'm wrong, it means my understanding of the world is compromised. I have a flaw in some of my fundamental models through which I attempt to comprehend reality, and everything that's built on those models is probably useless. How did this happen? What started the process? Where do I look to find the error of my ways? I'm wrong, so where did I first go wrong? Was I wrong on my own or was I consciously manipulated by others into being this wrong?
If I'm wrong, it means the scientific method itself is going wrong somewhere. If I'm wrong, we're all doomed in some sense. Our greatest tools have gone to waste. If I'm wrong, the world is still a strange place, but it's strange in different ways from all the ways I thought it was strange in my own experience, so in short, if I'm wrong, I've been living some sort of lie. If I'm wrong, chemistry is wrong. Biology, geology, astronomy, physics? Is mathematics wrong too? If I'm wrong, I wasn't standing on the shoulders of giants. We'd all fallen into some sinkhole. Me and the giants. If I'm wrong, all bets are off. The greatest treasures of knowledge I thought I'd encountered were false, and I had a chance to see that, to search for the real gems, but I failed.
And finally, if I'm wrong and you're right, I'll know. I'll be surprised. I'll be baffled. Confused. Overwhelmed. But it will be a sure thing. And apparently I'll have all eternity to wonder. I'll have forever to agonize over my own wrongness. I'll be able to endlessly guess at the truth, however few hints of it I receive. And maybe I'll never ascertain it. Maybe, somewhere in eternity I'll happen upon a conjecture that perfectly captures the truth, but with no means of testing it, I won't know it from any of my other thoughts. But whatever I never know, one thing I will know is that I was wrong. That's what if I'm wrong. Damnation. Fire and brimstone. Unimaginable torture. Fine. I'm sure that's all very important, but to me, having my consciousness somehow preserved to discover my own wrongness about virtually everything is the greatest mercy. A privilege. There are so many ways for me to be wrong and not to know it. I'm an optimist about some things, but if you're right, my greatest hopes will have been exceeded. And my worst fears will have been exceeded too. Both at the same time, that's what if I'm wrong. It's bizarre and paradoxical to think about, sort of dizzying. But I think about it. I think about it a lot.
So there it is. My answer. I've given it some thought, but I think it's a good question and deserves thought. What if I'm wrong? I think about it all the time. Do you? Do Young-Earth-Creationist Christians ever try to answer that question? Do they ever ponder their own error or the possibility of it? Do any religious apologists? I'd think some do, but I don't really know. One thing I do know is that Pascal's wager certainly doesn't tell the story here either. Oh no, it's not, "If I'm wrong then I die and cease to be and that's it so the exact same thing that happens to you." No, no, no. If you're wrong, you've wasted your wonderful mental faculties on delusion and emptiness. If you're wrong, you exchanged truth for lies. If you're wrong, you know nothing about anything. Not the world. Not people. Not gods. Not life. Not even yourself. And if that doesn't bother you, then I think you aren't even capable of answering the question. You fail to address the prompt correctly. You can ask me what if I'm wrong, but at least it means something to me. You either have no imagination or you refuse to use your imagination. And in that case, well, I just feel sorry for you.
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